
Enzymes and the mystery behind them

Enzymes are biomolecules that increase the rate of chemical reactions both inside and outside the body. They are proteins that trigger activity inside the cells and are not affected by the activity which they set off. Enzymes are one of several different types of complex proteins produced by cells and needed for every chemical reaction which occurs in the human body.

There have been a number of clinical research studies that have shown that eating the proper amount of enzymes in the food will help to prevent or reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and arthritic pain. In fact, individuals have also found that by improving their intake of enzymes they can help to decrease the symptoms of diseases they already have.

There are three different types of enzymes - digestive, metabolic and food - all of which are in necessary and essential for overall good health. Many active enzymes can be found in the fruits, vegetables and nuts which we eat.

Unfortunately, these enzymes are also destroyed by the heat of cooking. Cooking any food above 116°c will kill the enzymes. When these enzymes are destroyed it increases the amount of energy that the digestive tract must expend in order to fully digest the food and absorbs nutrients.

While this increase in energy expenditure may sound like an increase in calorie burn it really places more wear and tear on the pancreas which must then excrete more metabolic enzymes produced in the body to convert into digestive enzymes.

Interestingly, by increasing the number of enzymes that the body must excrete in order to digest their food, individual will also slowly decrease their lifespan. The recommended daily allowance for fruits and vegetables are between five and eight servings per day in order to help the body work at a higher level of wellness.

There have been no current research studies which show that enzymes are links specifically to looking younger but researchers do know that a diet full of natural enzymes will lead to a healthier body.

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