
How Digestive Enzymes Can Cure A Volcanic Stomach

Have you ever eaten something and it sits on you stomach like a pile of rocks. A few minutes later your stomach begins to erupt like a volcano, it turns, it burns, churns. If you had taken digestive enzymes before eating you could have avoided the whole ordeal.

Digestive enzymes are responsible for breaking down the food that you eat, preparing it for assimilation, which takes place mostly in the small intestines once it leaves the stomach. By taking enzymes, not only will you avoid the rock piles and volcanic stomach, you will feel more energized. Why? Your food is actually being broken down and used by the body. It is these nutrients that are properly assimilated into the cells through the blood stream that supply the body energy.

All enzymes are divided into three groups: metabolic enzymes, which run you body, digestive enzymes, which digest foods and food enzymes, which are contained naturally in raw foods that start food digestion. The more food enzymes you ingest, the less your body has to borrow from its natural metabolic and digestive enzymes to digest food.

Each whole food has it own set of food enzymes that aid in ripening and digestion of the plant. This process continues until the plant completely disintegrates. On the vine it is called rotting, if in the body it is called digestion. Several servings of RAW fruits and vegetables are needed daily to aid in digestive processes. Cooked foods do not count. Live enzymes die at 120 degrees F., assuming enzymes are present in the first place. Green harvesting, soil depletion and companies tampering with the enzymes to give longer shelf life are culprits that rob enzymes from food.

Other eating tips that help digestion are: Drink plenty of fluids (not with meals), eat plenty of fiber, eat breakfast - it is the most important meal of the day for over all health, eat slowly, take small bites, chew food thoroughly, eat at regular times, and relax when eating.

As we age our bodies produce less and less enzymes. Between the ages of 27 to 35 years, enzyme production decreases more than at any other times of life. This is when we first notice aging, due to reduction of enzymes. It makes sense to supplement with enzymes to help slow down this, ever present, aging process.

When choosing an enzyme supplement it is advised to purchase a formula that digests protein, carbohydrates, fats, dairy, plant fiber and legumes. Many excellent formulas that digest these food types are available at reasonable prices. Stay away from extremely low cost and high cost products. Just because a formula costs more does not mean it is better. Many expensive products are manufactured by small specialty or multi-level marketing (MLM) companies. Expect to pay $10 - $30 for a one month supply of good quality digestive enzymes.

How to Control your Intestinal Gas Naturally

Intestinal gas, flatulence, farting or breaking wind is a natural part of the digestive process. This odorless gas, although at times embarrassing, is the result of good digestion. Every day our body produces one to three pints of gas that is ultimately passed. Intestinal gas is made up of oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide and methane. If we notice an unpleasant smell, it is because the gas contains other compounds, including hydrogen sulfide and ammonia.

Bacterium that lives in our intestinal tract is what produces most intestinal gas. It digests the food we eat; primarily sugars, starches and cellulose. When ingested sugars are not been properly broken down, they can ferment and produce gas as they pass through the small intestine. Contractions of the small intestine propel this gas through the large intestine, where it is expelled out the rectum. This prevents gas from accumulating in the body, which can cause cramping.

Certain foods produce more gas then others. Some healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, oatmeal, beans and peas often are the worst offenders. These foods are high in soluble fiber. Fiber slows the digestion of starches in the small intestine, thus promoting increased gas. Fiber, however, has many benefits including promoting a healthy digestive tract, regulating our blood sugar and maintaining normal cholesterol levels.

Normally we pass gas about fourteen times a day. Intestinal gas is only considered excessive if it is being passed over twenty times per day. If someone complains of excessive gas, but isn't passing it over twenty times a day, then something else may be going on. Perhaps the real concern is the foul odor to their gas, an inability to hold gas back, or even a problem with soiling their undergarments when gas is being passed. Thankfully there are a number of natural, alternative health remedies we can try which may help to reduce or eliminate the embarrassment of intestinal gas from our lives.


Avoid foods such as beans, broccoli, cabbage, asparagus, coffee, eggs, fish, prunes, radishes, dates, figs - or artificial sweeteners like sorbitol - which can promote gas production.

Limit high fat foods. Fats slow the digestion of foods through the stomach and small intestine.

Avoid milk and milk products, especially if you suspect you are lactose intolerant.

Try taking a digestive enzyme or digestive bitter tonic before meals to help improve carbohydrate digestion.

Activated charcoal tablets, when taken before a meal, have been shown to greatly reduce gas formation.

Ginger, either fresh or in tablet form, is useful in relieving flatulence.

Catnip and fennel are herbs that are often used to ease bloating and reduce intestinal gas.

Supplementation with probiotics such as acidophilus and bifidophilus supports healthy bacteria in the digestive tract and keeps gas-producing bacteria in check.

How to Stop Food Intolerance Symptoms with DS

Many people experience food intolerance symptoms and some of them are hard to deal with in everyday life. There are various reasons for food intolerance, one of which is a high histamine level in the foods we eat and the drinks we consume. Here, we took a look at food intolerance symptoms, foods that can cause reactions, and how DS has helped people in Europe.

Some of the symptoms from food intolerance include digestive system problems, abdominal pain or spasms, diarrhea, constipation, flatulence, headaches, and even skin rashes. Symptoms can be caused by high histamine levels in food and aren't the same as food allergies. Food intolerance often is caused by a lack of food enzymes that inhibits your ability to digest food correctly.

While many products on the market today promise to deal with your food intolerance systems or stop them all together, they only appear to be a quick "symptom" fix and have no real value in the long run of your intolerance to certain foods.

Many people suffer so intensely from food intolerance symptoms that it makes it difficult for them to plan their days effectively. Food intolerance victims often worry about where the closest restroom is and always keep that in the back of their minds when out in public. Others simply skip the worry and are forced to stay at home and rely on others for to bring needed things to them.

Food intolerance is a real problem and is caused due to the high histamine levels in the foods we consume. One way to lower your symptoms is to avoid foods that have high histamine levels.

Some foods that can cause food intolerance symptoms might surprise you while others may not. Foods like pizza, wine, beer, and cheese would most likely be at the top of your list, but did you know fresh fish can cause symptoms? Other foods to avoid that have high histamine levels are processed meats, sauerkraut, tomatoes, spinach, mushrooms, and avocados. Some fruits that can cause uncomfortable symptoms are strawberries, bananas, kiwi, pineapples, and tangerines.

Condiments and extras we like to add to sandwiches or salads can also cause problems. They include mustard, ketchup, sunflower seeds, peanuts, cashews, and walnuts. Our favorite drinks, like coffee and cocoa, also have a high histamine content. So, what are we to do? In Europe, people for years have been using a dietary ingredient DS.

The dietary ingredient DS has helped people all over Europe in stopping their food intolerance symptoms by regulating their histamine levels and restoring a digestive enzyme known as Diamine Oxidase or DAO. Often, people find the best remedies are natural supplements that surpass using Western medicine prescriptions and DS is an effective treatment for food intolerance symptoms.

Europeans found through their doctors that much of their intolerance symptoms were intestine related caused by high histamine levels. By using DS, histamine levels were regulated by helping to replenish the digestive enzyme, Diamine Oxidase. DAO helps the intestinal tract to reduce enzymes and breaks up histamines; lowering their effect on the intestine.

People found that a lack of DAO can actually cause an increase of a body's histamine levels, so controlling the DAO enzymes with DS has enabled Europeans to live happier lives by not having to avoid the foods they love with the nutrients they need. By working in the lower intestine, DS regulates histamine levels where an antihistamine will only block histamine levels.

to avoid the foods they love with the nutrients they need. By working in the lower intestine, DS regulates histamine levels where an antihistamine will only block histamine levels.

Thankfully, the US Food and Drug Administration approved the use of DS in America in 2008. By recognizing DS as a breakthrough treatment for food intolerance, millions of people in both Europe and the US will be able to consume foods with high histamine levels without the worry of bothersome symptoms.

Doctors and dieticians have preached to us constantly on the positive results foods like fresh fish, vegetables, and fruits have on our bodies, but to some, the food intolerance symptoms are just too severe. With DS, histamine levels become stabilized so people can enjoy the foods their bodies need and crave.

Every body has natural histamine levels and when these levels are raised by consuming foods that have a high histamine level, this is where our bodies fight back and food intolerance symptoms occur. With DS, these symptoms are not just masked like some over the counter or prescription medicines you can take. They are regulated to ensure your histamine levels will stop symptoms before they start.

If you suffer from food intolerance symptoms, do what the Europeans have been doing for years. Taking an DS supplement will not only allow you to enjoy the foods you eat, you won't worry about the symptoms that high histamine levels can cause. Finally, DS is available in the US and preliminary reports show that it will be just as popular and effective for US food intolerance suffers just like European food intolerance suffers. Gone are the days of avoiding foods you want due to fear of symptoms. DS has solved this problem.

Complementary and Alternative Treatments for Cirrhosis

Experts recommend a mix of high quality animal and vegetable proteins as well as high-fiber foods such as whole grains, legumes, and fresh vegetables. Use high quality cold-pressed vegetable oils, and include in your diet almonds, brewer's yeast, grains and seeds, and goat's milk products. To make up for the vitamin K deficiency, eat plenty of green leafy vegetables. Detoxify with fresh vegetable juices such as beet and carrot, and "green" drinks as well as legumes. Avoid all fried foods and ydrogenated/saturated fats. Limit your intake of fish to twice weekly, and do not eat it raw or undercooked. Eliminate candy, milk, white rice, sugar products, pepper, salt, spices, and stimulants of any kind.

Brewer's yeast, rice, and molasses are beneficial. Sesame seeds are especially good for maintaining liver health. Carrots and wheat grass are also good for the liver.

It is extremely important to avoid any sub. stances that are toxic to the liver, including alcohol, insecticides (choose organic produce), drugs, oral contraceptives, food preservatives, and aspirin substitutes (acetaminophen). People with cirrhosis should also avoid taking more than 10,000 IU of vitamin A daily.

Follow this daily supplement regimen to treat cirrhosis of the liver:

Most Important

vitamin B complex (100 mg, 3 times daily), supplemented with vitamin B12(1000 mcg twice daily)-prevents anemia and protects against nerve damage; use lozenge form

folic acid (200 mcg)-corrects deficiencies

evening primrose oil (500 mg twice daily with meals)-prevents imbalance of fatty acids

Also Recommended

vitamin C (3000 to 8000 mg in divided doses; use a buffered form)

vitamin E (400 IU)

liver extract (70 mg)-promotes regeneration of liver tissue and prevents anemia

L-methionine, L-cysteine, L-glutathione, L-carnitine, and L-arginine (as directed on product label)-aid in detoxification

coenzyme (100 mg)-promotes oxygenation

digestive enzymes (as directed on product label)-lessens strain on the liver

free-form amino acid complex (as directed on label)-a good source of protein that is easy on the liver

garlic (as directed on label)-detoxifies the liver and bloodstream (Consult your healthcare provider regarding the duration of treatment.)


The essential oils of thyme(linalol), geranium, rosemary, and rose are sometimes used in treatment of cirrhosis of the liver. Consult a qualified therapist for instructions.

Ayurvedic Medicine: As an overall liver tonic and treatment for cirrhosis, Ayurvedic practitioners advise taking a kutki-guduchi-shanka-pushpi herbal formula twice daily after meals and washed down with a little aloe vera juice.

Hydrotherapy: Try soaking in a neutral (body temperature) bath for an hour or two to lower excess body fluid.

Acupuncture Acupuncture can help; strengthen and restore energy balance to the liver, kidney, and heart, which are impaired by excessive drinking. It can also curb alcohol cravings and symptoms of withdrawal, making the individual's recovery more comfortable. Because of the complexity of the disease and its underlying causes, the practitioner may focus on up to 25 acupuncture points on the body, along with related auricular points.

Chinese Herbal Therapy In cirrhosis, Chinese herbs are used to help cleanse and strengthen the liver and associated organs, and to improve circulation within the meridians.


Anti Aging Food Combinations

We all want to lose weight, look younger and feel healthier. Why not use the proper combinations of foods to accomplish this; after all we are what we eat. We may not be able to accomplish all of our goals but we can certainly slow down the effects of the aging process on our bodies. More and more people are discovering that combining the proper foods to reverse the aging process is a good start.

Food combination is the process of ingestion certain foods together while avoiding other food combinations altogether. This is not any type of diet where some foods are not eaten. It only means that certain combinations of foods are not eaten at the same time. The body takes different amount of time to digest different foods depending on the general type of food being eaten. For example, it is believed that you should not eat proteins with starchy foods or that acidic and alkaline foods should not to be eaten together.

If you go back far enough in human history you will conclude that eating different foods at the same time was not the norm. Humans wander around in small family groups looking for food. When then came upon a food source such as a nut for fruit tree or if they found or killed an animal it was eaten on the spot. If any of the food was left after the eating binge then the excess food may have been saved for later use.

The human body adapted to this food availability by producing different enzymes to digest different types of foods. Carbohydrates require carbohydrate digesting enzymes and Proteins require protein digesting enzymes. The production of protein enzymes and carbohydrate enzymes at the same time can lead can lead to indigestion, gas, cramping and the poor digestion of foods.

Here is a list of nine general rules for a proper food combination diet.

1) Carbohydrates (Bread, Potatoes, Rice, Wheat) should not be eaten with Acidic Foods (Tomato, Pineapples, Grapefruits, Oranges). Ptyalin enzyme is used to digest alkaline foods and is destroyed by acidic foods. The eating of acidic foods with carbohydrates can lead to a fermentation process that produces gas. Citrus fruits can safely be eaten as a snack from 30 minutes to 1 hour prior to a regular meal. Tomatoes can be eaten with green leafy vegetables and fatty foods.

2) Proteins (Meat, Cheese, Eggs, Nuts) should not be eaten with Carbohydrates (Potatoes, Grains, Sweet Fruits, most Desserts).

3) Two different Proteins at the same time. Do not combine Meat, Cheese, Eggs, Nuts, Milk. The enzyme require to digest proteins need to be in different strengths for different proteins.

4) Proteins and Fats. Eat only lean meats because fats will suppress the appetite thus retarding the production of protein digestive enzymes.

5) Proteins (Meat, Cheese, Eggs, Nuts) should not be eaten with Acidic Foods (Tomato, Pineapples, Grapefruits, Oranges). Same reasoning as rule 1.

6) Starches (Potatoes, Grains, Cereals) should not be eaten with Sugars. Sugar causes the mouth to produce an excessive amount of saliva which will dilute the concentration of ptyalin in the stomach.

7) Starches (Potatoes, Grains, Cereals) should not be eaten with other Starches.

8) Melons should always be eaten alone. The digestion of melons happens very quickly and can be eaten as a snack from 30 minutes to 1 hour prior to a regular meal.

9) Milk should always be ingested alone. Milk requires a very specific enzyme to be digested properly.

At first glance the above rules will not allow you to maintain a balance diet. You will still need to maintain a balance diet just do not eat a serving from each of the food groups at the same time. Divide up you eating day into smaller units with the correct combinations of foods in them will go a long way in your fight against the aging process. We need our bodies the chance to digest what we eat properly.

Proper food combining encourages you to eat healthily. You will be getting more of the vitamins and minerals your body needs. Your skin will become clearer and healthier looking. No more indigestion or gas, you will have more energy, no more limp hair or pasty skin. Food combining for anti-aging purposes is a great way to fight the rigors of time.

If you just feel that you need vitamins, supplements or herbs to fight the aging process then find a good health care professional prior to starting any type of home treatment.

Always consult your doctor before using this information.


What you Should Know About Arthritis & Rheumatism (Part 9)

Copper has an anti-inflammatory effect when applied topically and is therefore helpful for arthritis. Copper bracelets leach the copper into the system through perspiration, therefore adding to Copper levels in the blood. Copper chelate rub applied to the affected joint may reduce the inflammation around the joint. Many osteoarthritic patients are Copper deficient and this may have a role in the pathogenesis of the disease as copper is required for the formation of sulfur cross linking in collagen formation. Manganese may repair worn-out cartilage. Zinc, an anti-inflammatory, may relieve some symptoms of arthritis.

Vitamin C is necessary to prevent the capillary walls in the joints from breaking down and causing bleeding, swelling, and pain. Folic acid, Vitamin B12, and Iron may be helpful in treating the anemia that may accompany arthritis. The frequency of liver disorders in arthritic patients may deter the conversion of carotene into Vitamin A. Difficulty in assimilating carbohydrates suggests a Vitamin B deficiency.

Wear correct fitting jogging shoes or massage sandals. This allows for better cushioning of knee an hip joints. Orthotics may be useful to support or correct alignment of ankles and thus posture.

Eat cold water fish (cod, tuna, salmon, trout, mackerel, and sardines) at least 3 times per week. These fish are rich in certain polyunsaturated fats called omega 3 fatty acids. Scientific evidence has now emerged to show that fish oils can prove helpful to arthritis sufferers, and may reduce inflammation if taken regularly. Inflammation is the body's natural reaction to arthritic diseases, causing pain, swelling, redness and heat. Fish oil may also be taken in capsule form. Signs of improvement are usually felt within 2-3 months. Vegetarians may choose Flaxseed oil (1-2 dessertspoons a day) to obtain their omega-3 fatty acids.

Coeliac disease results from a sensitivity to the protein gluten, contained in wheat, oats, barley and rye. Gastro-intestinal discomfort, wind and diarrhea are the usual manifestations although these symptoms need not be present and arthritis or eczema may manifest.

What you Should Know About Arthritis & Rheumatism (Part 8)

Nutritional and Herbal support for Osteoarthritis includes:

Glucosamine - Glucosamine is a natural substance found largely in cartilage, ligaments and tendons. This product was formulated to give the body the building blocks it needs to help repair cartilage, ligament & tendon damage, while offering an anti inflammatory action.

Omega 3 EFA's - High quality natural Fish Oil is an excellent source of Omega-3 acids, Vitamin A & D & the essential fatty acids EPA & DHA. Provides an anti inflammatory action in the body.

DLPA - Elevates the body's own natural pain killing hormones (endorphins). 400 mg 3-4 x daily for relief of chronic pain 3 wks.

Vitamin C, Quercetin and Brome lain - Bioflavonoids inhibit inflammation thus assisting in relief of chronic pain 3-4 x daily 3 wks.

Tryptophan - Increases pain threshold, may aid sleeping.

Some interesting points on Osteoarthritis:

Hot tubs and baths provide relief. Raw lemon rubs and hot castor oil packs are also extremely beneficial.

Drink steam-distilled water only.

Good posture is also important to prevent stiffness and crippling. Poor posture can cause body weight to be distributed unevenly, placing more stress on certain joints, resulting in unnecessary pain for the arthritic person. Overweight and obesity also affect the weight-bearing joints, which become irritated and stressed by having to carry too much of a load.

Alfalfa, Parsley, Celery seed, Ginger 1-2 grams per day (discourages inflammation and pain), hot Peppers, and Garlic make useful additions to the diet.

The bacteria responsible for Chlamydia non-specific urethritis has been linked as a cause of one form of arthritis in young women. In nearly half of the women with unexplained arthritis who were tested, Chlamydia was found in the joints. Seventy-five percent had raised antibody levels in the blood.

What you Should Know About Arthritis & Rheumatism (Part 7)

For aching joints try a liniment made with Comfrey tincture and a few drops of Black Pepper essential oil. A bath of Arnica tincture, Rosemary, Basil and Lavender to promote relaxation and relieve pain. Slippery elm and Cayenne applied to affected joints as a poultice may provide relief. Rub Calamus oil into the affected joints to improve circulation and drainage. Camphor oil is indicated for the treatment of arthritis also.

Aromatherapy oils can provide soothing aromatic relief. Juniper essential oil in a bath or in a massage blend may be useful - it is stimulating and anti-rheumatic. Petitgrain massaged into the limbs may also be useful for osteoarthritis. Lemon and Cypress essential oils are detoxifying, and can be used in the bath or in a massage to help the body eliminate toxins. Chamomile, Lavender, and Rosemary are anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving; use in local massage or in a compress. Black Pepper, Eucalyptus, Marjoram and Benzoin will improve the circulation in the area. Coriander, Clary sage, Eucalyptus, Ginger, Marjoram, Vetiver, and Cedarwood may also provide relief. Skin brushing may help by stimulating the lymphatic system.

Tissue salts may be useful in conjunction with nutritional and herbal support. Ferr phos may be used in acute attacks with fever, inflammation of the joint which is swollen and red. Painful joints aggravated by motion may also benefit from this remedy. Nat phos when there are acid conditions. May be used alternatively with Nat sulph. Nat mur is if there is creaking of the joints. Mag phos may be of value, alternating with Calc phos, for the relief of pain in osteoarthritis.

Apis is for hot, stinging pain. Arnica may be useful for sprained joints that improve during movement, but worsen after prolonged movement or rest. It also helps with long term joint and muscle complaints such as osteoarthritis. Bryonia may be useful for joint inflammation such as osteoarthritis. It is indicated when stitching pains occur in swollen pale or red joints. Colchicum, when it is worse in warm weather, with inflamed joints, irritability, and sensitivity to touch. Pulsatilla is for when pain moves from one joint to another. Ruta grav is for the treatment of deep aching pain especially in the bones. Rhododendron is for when arthritis is worse in stormy weather. Rhus tox may be used for muscle and joint pain i.e. osteoarthritis, restless legs, stiffness in the lower back, and strains. Symptoms are made worse by cold and damp, and after rest - improving with movement.

Physical therapies such as massage, physiotherapy, osteopathic treatment, and magnetic induction therapy are useful adjuncts in the treatment of osteoarthritis.

What you Should Know About Arthritis & Rheumatism (Part 6)

Vitamin B3 increases the circulation to deep tissues by dilating small arteries, and may promote synovial regeneration thus contributing to the reversal of cartilage erosion and synovitis. Niacinamide alone or in conjunction with other water soluble vitamins can improve joint mobility and function. Severely damaged or ankylosed joints do not respond. Vitamin C plus Bioflavonoids is for structural integrity of capillaries and collagen formation, also is a powerful free radical destroyer. Germanium is a powerful antioxidant that also relieves pain. Brome lain, from pineapple, reduces inflammation and aids digestion. DLPA is good for relieving chronic pain. Osteoarthritis may be helped by lipotropes or SAM-e (important in lipid metabolism), which is active in cell membrane fluidity (it is thought that a fatty acid imbalance of the omega 3's and 6's may cause arthritis and other degenerative diseases). A deficiency of Vitamin B5 results in pathological changes to the joint which closely resemble the changes of osteoarthritis, including the claudication of cartilage, and the formation of osteophytes. Supplementation of Vitamin B5, results in benefits in 7-14 days and cessation of the treatment results in a relapse of symptoms. The mechanism of action of B5 in osteoarthritis may relate to its requirement for the N-acetylation of glucosamine (which requires acetyl CoA) and thus for the synthesis of proteoglycans. Royal Bee Jelly, rich in pantothenic acid, is reportedly helpful. Vitamin C and D reduce the risk of cartilage loss and disease progression. Deficiency of Vitamin C may be associated with defects in collagen proline hydroxylation, possibly creating repair problems in connective tissue. Thus, Vitamin C may be useful in regenerating cartilage in addition to neutralizing some of the hormones and enzymes associated with inflammation that cause leakage and damage.

For some people who develop arthritis, an allergy or intolerance to particular foods may be a contributing factor. An elimination diet is one of the best ways to identify problem foods, but pinpointing the culprit foods can be difficult and it is best to consult your qualified Health care Practitioner. Red meat, sugar products, citrus fruits, green peppers, eggplant, tomatoes, potatoes, paprika, cayenne pepper, tobacco and salt may all be problems. The nightshade family contain a toxic alkaloid called solanine that some people, particularly those suffering from arthritis, are highly sensitive to. Solanine interferes with enzymes in the muscles, and may cause pain and discomfort. Another group of foods known as salicylates also have been shown to increase inflammation in arthritics. Wheat and milk may also be culprits. Many arthritics seem to improve if digestion is augmented. This can be done by either taking digestive enzymes or apple cider vinegar with meals. Improving digestion and the acidity of the stomach ensures complete breakdown of any antigenic food protein that may exacerbate the condition. Eating Nettles or drinking Nettle tea (3 cups a day) is an old remedy for arthritis - anti-inflammatory. Herbs that help to ease arthritis include Feverfew (good for pain and soreness), Meadowsweet, Celery seed, and White Willow. Dandelion root and Horsetail tea is recommended for degenerative arthritis. For inflamed hand joints, take a decoction or tincture of Devil's claw. Ginger, Coriander, Cinnamon and Aloe Vera can be used to treat arthritis. Angelica is a good tonic and is warming. Barberry taken as a tea or applied as a compress can be used. Basil can provide relief from the pain of arthritis. Other herbs such as Comfrey, Burdock, Black Cohosh, Valerian root, Chaparral leaves, Gotu kola, Chickweed, Dong Quai, and, Bog bean may help. Alfalfa leaves, Brigham tea, Parsley tea, and Yucca extract (used successfully at the Desert Arthritis Clinic) are also good choices.


What you Should Know About Arthritis & Rheumatism (Part 5)

A broad spectrum antioxidant would provide the ascorbic acid necessary for collagen synthesis, which is in turn vital to joint repair. There is some evidence to show that antioxidants - Vitamin A, C, and E, plus Selenium - may have beneficial effects on arthritis. High potency marine lipids, Omega 3 essential fatty acids, have been demonstrated to exert anti-inflammatory effects in cases of osteoarthritis.

Meat has a form of fat that encourages inflammatory agents in the body. Fats can regulate eicosanoids, which control inflammation, pain, and other symptoms of arthritis. Reducing the omega 6 oils seems to help. Canola is the best fat to use, since it contains a balance of both omegas, although beware that most canola oil on the market now is genetically modified. Olive oil is also acceptable. Flax oil contains almost twice as much omega 3 fatty acids as does fish oil, and combinations are encouraged.

All tea, coffee, alcohol, and processed foods need to be eliminated. Reduce consumption of highly refined foods, saturated fats, sugar and salt. Increase consumption of whole grain cereals, hard nuts, and apple pectin. These foods are rich in silicon which have been found to be important in bone homeostasis. A healthy diet with fresh fruit and vegetables boosts the immune system and provides the sufferer with extra energy to fight the disease. Use Garlic (inhibits free radical formation) and Kelp (rich source of minerals) in cooking. A free form amino acid complex should be part of the program to help repair tissue. Some form of fiber, such as oat bran or rice bran, should be eaten daily, and the diet should be low in saturated fats. Foods that should be consumed include eggs; onions; garlic or asparagus whose sulfur content helps to remove metals; the amino acid histidine, which is also good for removing metals; green leafy vegetables, which are needed for Vitamin K; fresh vegetables; non-acidic fresh fruits; whole grains; oatmeal; brown rice; and fish.

A good multivitamin is essential to protect from free radical damage and to repair illness and cartilage. The free radical scavenger Super Oxide Dismutase (SOD) is useful both orally and in injection form for the relief of the stiffness, pain, and swollen joints in arthritis. SOD is a member of a group of enzymes found mainly in the fluids inside the cells - it protects against damage by free radicals. DMSO (dimethyl sulphoxide) is another free radical scavenger that relieves the stiffness and pain. Its effects are enhanced when taken with other vitamins and minerals such as A, B complex, C, E, Zinc, and Selenium. 50 % of patients given 600 IU of Vitamin E for a period of 10 days reported an analgesic effect. This effect my be due to may be due to Vitamin E's role in prolonging the life of fibroblasts, and to stabilizing lysosomal membranes, thus inhibiting the release of inflammatory mediators. Vitamin E's role as an antioxidant is also likely to play a significant role. DMSO has also been used topically to treat arthritis. Vitamin E is also good and helps to mobilize the joints. Calcium and Magnesium chelate are essential to prevent bone loss (Magnesium is also required to form the synovial fluid which surrounds the joints), and Silica is needed for Calcium absorption and the connective tissue.